Idea of forming ISES
We are living on the Planet Earth which is a mysterious planet. There are so many types of resources provided to us by our planet and on the same time it gives jerks to life in form of calamities such as floods, cyclones, hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes. Amongst them Earthquakes is the most disastrous calamity and are most unpredictable. We know a lot about Earthquake Science and a lot is there yet to be known. So there was a need to make a Society in India which will work especially in the field of Earthquake Science as a carrier to cover the distance between known and unknowns about Earthquake Science. This Society will work on the idea that the existing knowledge should reach to the public and research should be done to find out the unknown facts related to Earthquake Science.
To promote the cause of advanced study and exchange of ideas amongst the seismologists, geologists, earthquake engineers, architects and geotechnical engineers by discussion on subjects of interests in the field of Earthquake Science by organizing meetings, conferences, seminars, symposia, annual lecture programs etc.
To strengthen the level and dissemination of Earthquake Science by preparation and publication of teaching and training material and publishing research bulletins, journals, memoirs, monographs etc. and to synergize co-ordination of research and investigations in all disciplines related to Earthquake Science. To popularize the Earthquake Science by conducting awareness programs to spread the related knowledge to public.
To execute research projects with the national and international collaborations and to carry out activities for achieving the above mentioned objectives of the society and other activities for the benefit of its members with no profit motive.